Share your life. Change a life.
Our programming is comprehensive in that, we have strategically built it so that our programs grow as a child grows.
On average, a student will is involved in Neighbor to Neighbor for 5 years! As you look at the programs offered below, note that no matter the program, we are a mentoring-first organization. Each program rotates on an axis of intentional mentorship. And at Neighbor to Neighbor, mentoring relationships do 5 things:
Express Care
Show that you like me and want the best for me.
Challenge Growth
Insist that I try to continuously improve.
Provide Support
Help me complete tasks and achieve goals.
Share power
Hear my voice and let me share in making decisions.
Expand Vision
Expand my horizons and connect me to opportunities

Youth Programming
Our afterschool academic programming serves students 2nd through 12th grade. Each student has two mentors that are either specifically helping them in math or language arts. Outside of mentoring each student engages in two, semester-long enrichment activities. Seasonally, students will participate in one or more of our outreaches: Young Life, MAD House Basketball, or Neighbor Enterprises for Students.
Afterschool Mentoring – Reading, Math, & ESL
We seek to be a stand-in for students falling through the cracks, therefore we only take students who are at least two grade levels behind. But on average, our students grow 1.5 grade levels per year through the afterschool programming—that is 3x the national average! With our i-Ready assessments, we are able to leverage technology to provide a deep, customized evaluation of every student and to track student’s growth consistently and continuously over a student’s entire K–12 career.
Our research shows that academic achievement is a byproduct of a student who has found passion for life and so our enrichment strategy is just as important to us as our academic strategy. Enrichments are “electives” with purpose. That purpose being “Spark Discovery.” Students finding that “something” deep within that has the potential to be activity, job, hobby, or skill that makes them want to wake up each day.

M.A.D. House Basketball
Our youth basketball league is a tool we leverage than than a league where we compete. We are working on the fundamentals of showing up, total effort, teamwork, and leadership. Living out these four principles gives you a foundation to live out the acronym M.A.D.—Making A Difference. Over 100 students tryout to be one of 72 players in the league yet the tryout has nothing to do with skill. All students have to do is simply show up three Friday nights in a row. It’s a co-ed league and the ages range from 12-18.
Young Life Outreach
A long time partner of ours, Young Life starts with adults and college students who are concerned enough about middle and high school kids to go to them, on their turf and in their culture to build bridges of authentic friendship. Kids’ lives are dramatically influenced when caring adults come alongside them, sharing God’s love with them. Because their Young Life leader believes in them, they begin to see that their lives have great worth, meaning and purpose.